Your First Week of Keto


Nugrition Factors

Clean out

Get rid of (throw out or give away) all the high-carb temptations in your pantry, fridge and freezer. Doing so massively improves your chances of success.

keto shopping list


It’s time to buy some great food! The shopping list contains all the food that you need for the entire first week of the challenge.

Keto Meassures


How will you know if you are experiencing significant improvements on the diet? It may help if you measure and note it.

keto cooking


Now you’re ready to get cooking! You’ve already bought the ingredients. Make sure to cook enough for leftovers for another day. 


Your first week of keto starts here.

Congratulations! You’ve taken your first and most important step towards a healthier you.

You’ve signed up for the 1-week keto challenge. Now let’s make this a great experience! Preparation is the key to success.

Here you’ll find everything you need to really ace YOUR FIRST WEEK OF KETO

Printing guide

Consider printing the meal plans, recipes, and shopping lists if you want them available offline.

Tomorrow we will send you the links to each recipe, so you can follow up and take advantage of our recipe’s features like Interactive timers ( yes just click on any specified time on each recipe, and a magical timer will appear at the bottom of your screen ), you can select the number of people you are shopping for by simple clicking on each serving, you also have a distraction free button, click it and you’ll be able to follow our instructions without ads, images, and any distraction.

Over the next 7 days, you’ll receive the First Week of Keto Meal Plan, along with the free Get Healthy Stay Healthy newsletter, keto recipes, giveaways, and more, so stay tuned.

Finding a Balance Can Be Hard, but Eating Healthy Doesn’t Have To Be

The best way to set yourself up for success is to source healthy keto-friendly foods that nourish your body and help put you in ketosis. This means you’ll have to give your grocery list and pantry a makeover.

The best keto-friendly foods are

  • Meats: Unprocessed meats are low carb and keto-friendly, and organic and grass-fed meat might be even healthier, beef, veal, game meat, chicken, turkey, poultry, pork, lamb, goat. 
  • Whole Eggs: Preferably organic, free-range. Whole eggs â€” yolks and whites — are the main source of fat and protein.
  • Nuts and seeds: Macadamia, hazelnuts, brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and nut butter.
  • Berries: A moderate amount is OK on keto, small amounts of raspberries, blackberries and strawberries are okay.
  • Fish and seafood: These are all good, especially fatty fish like salmon, also sardines, mackerel and herring. If you can find wild-caught fish, that’s probably the best, and seafood (shrimp, mollusks, lobster, etc).
  • Dairy: Full-fat cheeses, sour cream, full-fat (unsweetened) yogurt, grass-fed butter, ghee, milk, and heavy cream.
  • Oils: Use fat in cooking, like Butter, Sesame Oil, Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Hazelnut Oil, Walnut Oil, MCT Oil.
  • Low-carb vegetables: Fresh or frozen – either is fine. Choose vegetables growing above ground like Spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, and other leafy greens and avocados.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How a Keto Calculator Helps You


A Macro Calculator basically tells you how many grams of macronutrients you should be getting from carbs, fats, and protein. This keto macro calculator is optimized for the ketogenic diet.


Let’s recall that for the classical ketogenic diet, your food intake will be:

  • 70-80% of calories from fats
  • 20-25% of calories from protein
  • 5-10% of calories from net carbs (Net carbs are the grams of carbohydrates in a food minus the grams of fiber in it)

With this distribution, a person eating 2,500 calories per day will eat:

  • 208 grams of fat
  • 125 grams of protein
  • 30 grams of carbs


The remaining 70-80% of your calories come from fats. Since fat is the main source of nutrition on a ketogenic diet, it’s important to source high-quality, healthy fats.


For most people, a range of 20-50 grams of carbohydrate intake per day is ideal for the keto diet. Some people can go as high as 80 grams per day to stay in ketosis, but the majority should stay in the 20-50g range for best results. Each person’s metabolism is different.

If you used the standard keto calculator, then your target carbs should be in this optimal range.


Protein should be kept to adequate proportions. Eating around 1.5 to 2g of protein per kg of lean body mass (0.68 – 1g of protein per lb. of lean body mass) is ideal. Your protein intake goal will only be higher if you want to build muscle, lift heavy weights almost every day, or follow a high-protein keto diet.


Your calorie target is measured based on:

  • Your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE)
  • Your calorie intake goal (to lose, gain, or maintain weight)

For instance, if you need 2000 calories to cover your basic energy expenditure, but you want to lose weight, then your target calories can be 1800 (a deficit of 200 calories per day).


Now that your fridge and pantry are well-stocked with lots of delicious keto ingredients, let’s get cooking!
We have all the info you need. Check out your daily overview with interactive recipes.
 Please Select a day below.

Continue to the first day keto
Don’t forget: you don’t need to count calories.  And most importantly…sit back, savor and enjoy the meal!

If so, we have just the thing for you. Create an account here and start creating your own simple but delicious keto and low-carb meal plans and shopping lists. Just click the button below, and start adding hearts and stars to your favorite recipes, they will stay on your account so you can easily find and make. 

How to eat keto

Get Knowledge, Tools And Inspiration To Lose Weight this guides will answer all your Keto questions.



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